Museum Winter Closure
The MoC is closing on Dec 21, 2024. We will be open again April 1, 2025.
Walker Music Series
The MoC is hosting a Walker Music Series event on Dec 13. Check our Events / Walker Music Series page for more information.
Pottery Questions? Use our form to submit questions about items produced by the East Liverpool Pottery District
The largest public display of Lotus Ware.
Yellowware and Rockingham pieces, that were made by the earliest potters, are used to tell the story of the fledgling pottery industry. A 170-year old "Great Wheel" (potter's wheel), one of only six remaining in the U.S., along with displays of tools, dinnerware, and other ceramic items, continue the saga. Over 200 pieces of the fine bone china called Lotus Ware, made by Knowles, Taylor, and Knowles in the 1890s, is the pottery pièce de résistance that completes the tale! Paintings by Roland Schweinsburg depict the work life of potters, and a small gift shop (The Clay Shop) features jewelry made from pottery shards of local potteries.
Pottery Capital of the United
East Liverpool was a town totally devoted to the production of pottery. The lower level of the museum depicts production with life-size dioramas of a jigger shop, kiln, decorating shop, and salesroom. Displays of ware by individual potteries make up the remainder of the exhibit area. There is also a display of rare, personalized shaving mugs.
Events at the MoC
Events at the MoC 〰️
TRIVIA NIGHT Trivia Night is the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. Teams of 1 - 4 players compete for half the night’s take. Admission $10
ART CLASSES Art classes are held every Wednesday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. No need to sign up, just head over to the MoC and bring some paints with you. Call the MoC for any questions or click on the link to learn more.
CLAY CLASSES All of our classes our now full and closed to enrollment! We will have more classes in the Spring. Feel free to call to be placed on the waiting list. Call the MoC for any questions or click on the link to learn more.
Over 40 Years of Service!
Since 1980, MoC has offered a wide-ranging collection of dinnerware, art pottery, and ceramic utilitarian ware from the “Pottery Capital of the Nation.” Housed within the city’s former United States Post Office, this Beaux Arts style building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Museum is operated by the Ohio History Connection and the Museum of Ceramics Foundation.
Crockery City Teapots
MoC is proud to announce our first totally online exhibit! Crockery City Teapots features over 250 teapots made in the East Liverpool pottery district. Pour yourself a cup and click the title above. Enjoy!
MoC is a member of the Ohio History
Connection where we don’t just tell the stories, we bring them to life. To your life.
MoC Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Closed during January, February, and March
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Please use the form at the top of the page to submit questions about pottery manufactured in the East Liverpool Pottery District. Alternatively, you can email your questions directly to: potteryquestions@gmail.com